Couple in blanket watching sun rise over snow capped mountains


We can help you grow your wealth with a tailored investment portfolio

At NZBritannia, we understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and there’s a lot to consider when looking to secure your financial future. We strive to build strong relationships with our clients and to understand their individual needs and financial and retirement aspirations. Not only do we have our own in-house investment products, but we also work with other major providers.

If you already have investments in place, we can assess these to make sure they are fitting your current needs.

Our process

Illustration of a man meeting with a NZBritannia adviser

Getting to know you

The first step is for us to get to know you a little better - to understand your financial goals and aspirations. For example, what you want your retirement to look like, your attitude to investment risk, what insurance you need and how KiwiSaver or your UK pension fits into the overall equation.

Illustration of a personalised plan document

Creating a personalised plan

Once we know and understand your financial goals we will create a tailored and long-term plan to help you achieve your goals. This includes an assessment of any investments or insurance you already have in place.

Illustration of a man meeting with a NZBritannia adviser

Implementing the plan

If you are happy to go ahead with the plan outlined, we will liaise with any product providers and help you with all of the paperwork.

Illustration of a hand holding a mobile phone dialling NZBritannia

Keeping the plan on track

We don’t say goodbye once the plan is in place. We will work with you over the long-term to make sure that your plan continues to meet your needs.

With five different funds to choose from, IMT provides access to a wide variety of assets, so you can construct a portfolio that is specific to your needs, goals and appetite for risk. An easy way to invest and withdraw at any time, including regular savings and withdrawal plans.

Learn more

Our superannuation scheme is designed to help you accumulate your savings so that you can retire better. The Britannia Retirement Scheme is a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme, which means you can transfer your UK pension to this scheme with the help of our expert team.

Learn more

Environmental, Social and Governance investing

At NZBritannia we are focused on delivering results for our clients and we understand our responsibility to act as a good corporate citizen. That is why we consider Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues, also called Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) issues for investments made within NZBritannia investment products.

We consider ESG issues alongside traditional financial measures and integrate them into our decision making process.

We believe that consideration of the most significant ESG issues may help our investment managers gain greater insight into each security’s risk and return potential. Our investment managers are either signatories to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investing or have otherwise sufficiently demonstrated their commitment to ESG principles in relation to investments held within all NZBritannia investment products.

Read our ESG principles
Elevated view of White’s Beach  with waves breaking

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